October 05, 2024

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Communion, Benevolences & Baptism

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The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at Ken Mawr and on special days throughout the church calendar. The table of our Lord is open to all comers, including all children that have their parents' blessing to participate. 

banner-benevolenceA benevolence offering is also received each week in gratitude for God's abundant blessings. This offering supports our church's mission activities that include local and global ministries, missionaries and mission organizations. A description of the benevolence outreach for each Sunday of the year is typically included in the announcement slides shown before the service. Click here for a copy of Ken Mawr's 2024 designated benevolences.

Baptism is the other sacrament (i.e. sacred sign) of the Presbyterian Church. We baptize infants, children and adults here at Ken Mawr and celebrate that act on behalf of the entire church in a public worship service. If you are interested in exploring baptism for yourself or your child, please contact the church office to find out when the next Baptism Preparation Class for parents, or the next New Member Lunch & Seminar for adults, will be.