October 16, 2024

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Pre-K through Grade 1 –Teachers Renee Trunick and Susan Chimera provide a loving environment for children to meet God as they continue a walk through the Bible this year. Downstairs, turn right at the bottom of the steps.


Grades 2 – 4 – The team of teachers for grades 2-4 will be helping these students to grow in their walk of faith through learning from the Bible and applying the stories through crafts and skits. Downstairs, turn left at the bottom of the steps.


Grades 5 – 7 – Jayne McDonald and Josh Bryan will be leading this group of middle school learners through Bible study and creative discussion opportunities, helping the middle level students to begin to understand faith in Jesus as their own. Downstairs, turn left, middle hallway. Middle room.


Grades 8 – 12 – With leadership from Chrissy Cannella and Jim Weikel, the high school students will study Bible lessons through discussion and service. Downstairs, turn left, middle hallways. First room on the left.