February 16, 2025
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Parents with young children in church: Members Login Who's Online |
Thank you to everyone who joined us this past summer for Vacation Bible School!BREAKER ROCK BEACHJULY 21 - 25, 2024
Vacation Bible School is an outreach program at Ken Mawr Church. All children are welcome to participate in this God-focused, kid-friendly week. VBS begins on Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. and continues each evening through Thursday. Each evening, parents are invited to the closing section of VBS in the sanctuary on the upper floor of Ken Mawr Church.We celebrate the conclusion of VBS with an all family party on the lawn at the end of VBS in the sanctuary. The Bible story anchors the focus on the scripture lesson for each evening. Music is a large part of the opening and closing, with a class for each group throughout the evening. Crafts, games and snacks round out the opportunities kids have to grow in Christ during VBS. The 2024 theme is Breaker Rock Beach! It's an out of this world theme that shines a light on Jesus' love. There's a place for ages 4 - grade 8 and volunteers are welcome.
Clearances are required for all volunteers age 18 and older. |