October 10, 2024

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Anthems/Preparing for Worship


January 2024

7 - In Remembrance (Memorial Communion)

14 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus

21 - With All My Heart

28 - Wonder of His Love


February 2024

4 - Behold the Lamb

11 - How Deep the Father's Love for Us

18 - Deep, Deep Love

25 - Deep, Deep Love


March 2024

3 -   Deep, Deep Love

10 - How Deep the Father's Love for Us

17 - How Deep the Father's Love for Us

24 - Palm Sunday - One Thousand Hosannas

28 - Maundy Thursday - We Remember Calvary https://www.jwpepper.com/We-Remember-Calvary/10187230.item

31 - Easter - Christ is Risen, Christ is Living


April 2024

7 - In Remembrance

14 -  Blended Praise:  O Lord You're Beautiful/Beautiful Savior 

21 - Blended Praise:  Oh I Want to Know You/More About Jesus

28 - Write Your Word Upon My Heart


May 2024

5 - Ancient Words

12 - With a Heart of Praise (Preparing for Worship) and We Will Sing Praise (Children/Youth Choir)

19 - Speak O Lord

26 - The Wonder of His Love


June 2024

2 - Welcomed Home Again

9 - There's Just Something About That Name, page #108 hymnal

16 - Just a Closer Walk With Thee

23 - Grace Alone

30 - Trust and Obey 

July 2024 - No Choir

7 - Change my Heart O God

14 - Come Unto Me

21 - Name Above All other Names

28 - Seek The Lord While He May Be Found

August 2024

4 - At the Table of the Lord

11 - It is Good to Sing Your Praises

18 - The King of Love My Shepherd Is 

25 - Bless the Lord

September 2024

1 - In Remembrance

8 - Psalm 125/I Lift My Eyes (Getty)

15 - Psalm 19/I Will Call Upon the Lord

22 - Psalm 1/Step by Step

29 - Psalm 124/Lord I Cry to You


October 2024

6 - Psalm 26

13 - With a Heart of Praise

20 - Before the Throne of God Above

27 - God of Grace (flute)

November 2024

November 3 - The Table of Peace

November 10 - Lord, We Thank You

November 17 - Joyful Thanksgiving

November 24 - Fount of Every Blessing


December 2024

Advent - Waiting, Watching, Wondering

Christmas Eve - Baby in a Manger

Sunday after Christmas - One Simple Prayer



1 - One Simple Prayer

8 - Where You Need Me I Will Go

15 - Teach Me O Lord

22 - Seek First the Kingdom of God

29 - Blessed Are They


5 - At the Table of the Lord

12 - Forever God's Love Endures

19 - With All My Heart

26 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus (Lent)


5 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus (Lent)

12 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus (Lent)

19 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus (Lent)

26 - What Does It Cost to Follow Jesus (Lent)



2 - Palm Sunday - One Thousand Hosannas

6 - Maundy Thursday - The Seven Last Words

9 - An Easter Alleluia (Richard Smith, Trumpet)

16 -  Come People of the Risen King

23 - In Christ Alone

30 - The Risen King


7 - Behold the Lamb

14 - We Gather Here

21 - I Will Sing

28 -  Give Me Oil in My Lamp



4 - Spirit Now Live in Me

11 - With a Heart of Praise

18 - What Makes Me Sing

25 -  Ancient Words


No Choir

2 - Let Us Break Bread Together On Our Knees - Abby McCormick

9 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - Chrissy Cannella

Jimmy Heckathorn, piano

16 - Spirit Song - Chrissy Cannella

23 - Lead Me in the Way Everlasting (Psalm 139) - Amber Leitsch

30 - Rain Down - Stacie Viskovicz



6 - In Rembrance

13 - I Exalt Thee/Open the Eyes of My Heart

20 –Open the Eyes of My Heart/Be Thou My Vision

27 – I Love You Lord


3 - Come Away from Rush and Hurry - Chrissy Cannella

Karen Frank, piano

13 - How Deep the Father's Love for Us

20 – Jesus Strong and Kind - Karl and Jayne McDonald

27 – I am Thine O Lord



1 - At the Table of the Lord

8 - Ancient Words

     Jimmy Heckathorn, piano

15 – Step by Step

22 – With a Heart of Praise

29 – I Surrender Lord 


5 - The Table of Peace

     Jimmy Heckatorn, piano

12 - Lord, We Thank You

19 - Joyful Thanksgiving

26 - Fount of Every Blessing



3 - Where the Promise Shines (First candle)

10 - Where the Promise Shines (Second candle)

17 - Where the Promise Shines (Third candle)

24 - Where the Promise Shines (Fourth candle)

24 -  Where the Promise Shines (Christ candle)

31 - One Simple Prayer

*Lessons and Carols Program at 10AM TBD





2 - One Simple Prayer

9 - Where You Need Me I Will Go (Installation of officers)

16 - What Can I Give Him?

23 - I am Thine O Lord

30 - What Makes Me Sing


6 - Welcomed Home Again

13- The Wonder of His Love

20 - Seek Ye First (Hymnal)

27 - Write Your Words Upon My Heart



6 - At the Table of the Lord

13- How Deep the Father's Love for Us

20 - In Remembrance

27 - Bread of Heaven




3 - The Table of Peace

10- Palm Sunday - Jesus The King

14 - Maundy Thursday - Whispers of the Passion

17 - Easter - Come People of the Risen King

24 - Speak O Lord



1 - If Anyone Thirsts (women)

8 - Step by by Step

15 - God of Grace

22 - Give Me Oil in My Lamp

29 - Lord Listen to Your Children Praying


5 - Spirit Now Live in Me

12 - Here I Am to Worship/O Worship the King

19 - Lord You're Beautiful/Beautiful Savior

26 - Oh I Want to Know you More/More About Jesus



3 - In Christ Alone

10 - Come Away from Rush and Hurry

17 - Open the Eyes of My Heart

24 - Lord Listen to Your Children Praying/Sanctuary

31 - Lord Have Mercy on Me (Psalm)



7 - At the Table of the Lord

14 - You Have Put Gladness in My Heart

21 - I Stand in Awe

28 - How Great Thou Art 



4 - We Praise Him (Lambec Song)

11 - Seek Ye First

18 - My Hiding Place

25 - Ancient Words



2 - Bread of Heaven

9 - I Will Sing

16 - Before the Throne of God Above

23 - Rain Down

30 - Forever God's Love Endures



6 - The Table of Peace

13 - My Heart is Filled With Thankfulness

20 - Lord We Thank You

27 - Advent/Who Shall Appear



4 - Advent/Who Shall Appear

11 - Advent/Who Shall Appear

18 - Advent/Who Shall Appear

24 - 4/7/10 Shepherd's Joy

25 - 10 AM Jesus Joy of the  Highest Heaven


*January 1, 2023 - 10 AM One Simple Prayer


Worship and Music team:

Director of Music - Jayne McDonald

Camera/Recording Technology - Cameron Brown

Audio and Percussion - Adam Kantz

Computer Technology and Powerpoint  - Jim Heckethorn, Lori Ryan, Jim Mitchell, Tim Chimera