February 17, 2025

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Adult Small Groups

Most people agree that it is important to teach our children about the Bible and to help them grow in their faith.  But, it is just as important for adults.  Learning doesn’t stop just because you turn 18. Ken Mawr Presbyterian Church offers several Sunday morning adult groups where you will be welcomed and made to feel a part of the community of faith.  Check out the current list of groups that will begin meeting this fall.  

KOINONIA CLASS -  Led by Bucky Savatt & Diane Haney. 

The Koinonia class will be using “Life Change” study of Romans from the Navpress Bible Study Series, digging deeper into the Book of Romans. The class meets down the hall to the left of the church office, meeting September - May, Sundays at 9:45am. All are welcome.


WOVEN WOMEN – Led by Rachel Ramsey. 

Casual conversation around the table using the study “A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit” (5 Habits from the Book of Ruth).  The woman’s group also organizes several service/donations to show God’s love to various organizations throughout the year.  The class meets on the lower level of the church in Memorial Lounge, September - May, Sundays at 9:45am.  All women are welcome.


SCRIPTURE JOURNALINGfacilitated by Sue Marcinko.  

The class will be a scripture study.  A verse or verses will be entered in a journal as one translation, then viewing other translations to journal key words/meanings/perspectives to appreciate how God may be speaking to each of us in different ways.  A casual, open forum.  Bring your favorite Bible, a pen, a journal, an open mind and heart.  Meeting in the Library, September - May, Sundays at 9:45am..


NEW VISION – Led by Kathy Gadsby & Diane Weber

This class seeks to study scripture by helping God’s word to be available for all learners.  This class meets in Friendship Lounge downstairs, September - May, Sundays at 9:45am

LORD'S LAMBS - Led by Barb Jaros

This class meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at 1:00 PM in Friendship Hall.

THE LUNCH BUNCH - facilitated by Jackie Summers

The Lunch Bunch meets the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm in Friendship Hall.  Everyone brings a brown lunch, and we share cookies. Sometimes we play bingo. Members go the dollar store and get a small gift for the grab bag when they get bingo, other months we enjoy fellowship with each other.