March 14, 2025
About Ken Mawr Go to the ABOUT US section to meet our pastor and staff and to find out more about us.
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Parents with young children in church: Members Login Who's Online |
Students in grades 5 - 8 meet every Sunday morning during Sunday School and twice a month as scheduled. The high school school students (grades 9 - 12) meet every Sunday morning during Sunday School and weekly on Monday evenings and for special events as scheduled. MIDDLE SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL - Grades 5-8 Teachers - Jayne McDonald & Josh Bryan Helpers - Adam Kantz, Tess Smith, Anne Chimera, Pastor Karl Bible Study - Knowing Jesus (Rooted Ministries) Upcoming middle level evening events: 5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
November 10 - Special charades, cards and pumpkin... November 24 - Service Project - Pack Thanksgiving Bags -pizza
Confirmation Classes in the Spring - 7th Grade (or older)Please contact Pastor Karl for more information.
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH - Grades 9-12 Sunday School every week at 9:45 am Teachers - Jim Weikel and Chrissy Pelzer Bible Study - The Gospel of John (Rooted Ministries) Youth412: Monday nights at 6 pm
November 4 - Shopping for OCC, bring money for dinner Novermber 17 - Boxing for OCC Decemer 2 - Pizza and Clinton Christmas Lights December 9 - Meeting at the Church Decemer 16 - Wendy's
If you have any questions about Youth412, please contact High School Program Director, Katie Herman, |