October 10, 2024

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Women's Groups of Ken Mawr Church

Woven Women

Contact Rachel Ramsey for more info at Rae11581@aol.com

The Woven Women group meets every Sunday during the Sunday school hour in Memorial Lounge from September to May, new members are welcome at any time. This year we are studying the book of Ruth.


Our goal is to develop a caring community of women devoted to Christ, through:

  • Building significant relationships with one another
  • Supporting the needs of each other, our church families, and our children’s ministry in all seasons of our lives.
  • Focusing on Christ through spiritual encouragement and growth


Esther Circle


The Esther Circle meets at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month, except for the months of June, July and August.

Our study, this year, is Ezra & Nehemiah by Max Lucado and our scheduled teachers are various members of the Circle. Our Circle studies are always filled with wonderful discussions concerning the lessons, bringing together one another’s perspective. Don’t feel you have to be a Bible scholar to belong, we are all learning together. Our group holds out their hands of friendship and love to anyone interested in learning more about the Bible.

Contact Diane Weber for more info.