March 28, 2025

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The Elders                   Clerk of Session: Diane Kuffner


Class of 2025                                      Class of 2026                                      Class of 2027

Kristen Brown                                       Jim Weikel                                           Lynne Bryan

Jimmy Heckethorn                                Diane Felter                                        Barb Jaros

Nelson Kletzli                                        Dave Ewonce                                      Melissa McCormick

Bucky Savatt                                        Jessica Robinson                                 Bob Ramsey

Renee Trunick                                      Lari Skowron                                        Audra Wilson


KMUPC Session Ministry Teams


                Christian Education                           Evangelism                                          Finance

                Teaching ministries                                  Outreach ministries                                 Budget and giving ministries               


Maintenance                                        Mission                                                 Worship

Building and property needs                        Local and Global ministry support                 Lord’s Day and special services needs


The elders make up the governing board of the congregation called The Session. As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament church provided persons with particular gifts to share in discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people. Congregations elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having skills in leadership and compassionate in spirit. The elders also assist with Sunday morning building responsibilities, all-church events and congregational needs.




The Deacons                Moderator: Cheryl Simchak


Class of 2025                                      Class of 2026                                      Class of 2027

Michael Bauldaff                                   Nick Coholic                                        Donna Adamski 

Chrissy Pelzer                                      Melody Coholic                                    Kathy Boots

Tony Cario                                            Eric Boerstler                                       Debbie Bucek

Cindy Koller                                          Michelle Altenhof                                 Judy Carney

Tom McCullough                                  Kathy Strand                                        Anne Chimera

Lauri Picard                                          Val Kamenar                                        Tina Freyermuth

Cheryl Simchak                                    Barb Cannella                                      Dan Koller    

Claudia Tyler                                        Craig Cannella Sr.                                Amy Schmidt


KMUPC Board of Deacons Ministry Teams


                Care and Compassion                      Lord’s Day Ministries                        Special Events

                Funeral Luncheons                                     Greeters/Greeter Book                               Church Picnic

                  Card Ministries                                            Prepare sanctuary for worship                   Blood Donor Drive

                  Food Pantry                                                Van Transportation to Worship                   Other all-church events/outings

                  Book Nook                                                  Welcome guests/visitors                             Helps with Lenten Dinners


The Deacons serve God by serving others. The board meets monthly September – May. Additionally, they deliver flowers weekly, deliver fruit bags at Christmas, decorate the building for Advent/Christmas, remove the decorations, and assist with numerous ministry concerns throughout the year.