October 23, 2024

About Ken Mawr

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About Our Church

Ken Mawr United Presbyterian Church is a community of believers focused on God's Grace, God's Love, and God's Word as we answer God's call to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. The church was organized in 1933 by the United Presbyterian Church in North America, taking the same name as the Ken Mawr school, which is a Scottish phrase meaning "more knowledge." 


God is at work through Ken Mawr Church in different ways and in many places.  Our priorities are expressed in the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and in the word of God. Through God's people we find that his purpose is being lived out in their lives of worship, service and devotion, inside and outside of the church.  We are a growing church family which is evident by our ministries to children, youth and adults. 


Ken Mawr can be described as a church with traditional values and traditional views of the historic Christian faith. Our church's primary interest is in proclaiming the good news of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal and God’s written word.  Therefore, the Bible is our starting place for preaching, teaching, education, ministry and mission. Our ministry is focused on the Bible in order to make us inwardly strong and outwardly focused as a community of Jesus' disciples. 


Ken Mawr believes that faith is meant to be shared and its identity as a church is tied up in its call to do mission and support mission locally and globally. Although many denominational backgrounds, religious traditions and attitudes are represented in our church we are united in the mission of sharing God’s grace and love. Our church is a supportive, caring and accepting community of faith. When membership vows or baptismal vows are spoken we encourage people to “say what they mean and mean what they say.” 
God has acted first in sovereign love to reconcile the world to himself through Christ, and we respond by making disciples, feeding the poor, bearing witness to Christ, working for justice, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep. Simply put, our church is all about loving God and loving our neighbors.

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Our mission is to:
Declare God's Grace & Demonstrate God's Love,
as Directed by God's Word.