March 06, 2025

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Lenten Dinners & Worship

Join us begining on March 12th for Lenten Dinners followed by worship through the Lenten Season.


Dinner begins at 5:30 PM in Sharpe Hall.  The entree will be provided, and side dish or dessert contributions are appreciated from those attending.  Reservation forms will be in the bulletins beginning March 2nd.


The dinners are for the whole family- JAM will continue at 6:00PM for PreK- Grade 4.  The nursery will be open and staffed for children under 4 years old.


The Lenten worship series begins at 6:30 PM


Thursday April 17th -  Maundy Thursday Communion 

(no dinner)


April 18th

Good Friday Children's Program 10 AM - 11:30 AM, more details to come.

Good Friday - Communion Service at 12 PM